'Vergane glorie in België en Nederland'
Prachtig fotoboek met 144 pagina's Urban Exploring uit België en Nederland. Het 3e boek van Wigo Worsseling.
Deze keer samen met fotograaf Julius de Groot.
Klik op de foto hieronder om direct naar de shop te gaan.
Wigo Worsseling
Anita Spooren
– Poëtisch verval –
Urban Exploring fotografie
De expo is te bezichtigen van
5 maart t/m 24 mei 2024
De Pits Keuken
IJsbaanpad 9-11-13 Amsterdam Zuid
Kijk op de website van www.depitskeuken.nl voor de openingstijden.
Let op: niet geopend in het weekend.
Two publications in National Geographic ! Proud that National Geographic has published my pictures in an article about ‘The beauty of decay’ in the magazine. 14 pages with pictures and stories. Edition Netherlands / Belgium.
Thanks to Pancras Dijk for the beautiful story he wrote.
And for the second time, National Geographic published an interview and photos on their website. This time a beautiful story about my latest book ‘Vergane glorie in België en Nederland’.
Photographer Wigo Worsseling (1967) is an Urban Explorer and is always hunting for faded glory; an old premises of which the exterior screams to be explored and photographed inside. Is it abandoned? Can I get in? Is it safe and without any security on guard? An entrance is found, nothing indicates the presence of people. Walls are peeled, ceilings have collapsed, glass is on the floor and the stale smell of decaying wood enters your nose. Daylight tries to seep in and creates a spectacle of shadows. You wonder what it once has looked like. The camera is set up, the hunt is on!
Already during the study at the Dutch ‘Fotovakschool’ (University of Applied Photography) Wigo visited abandoned buildings and was dragged into the mysterious world of the beauty of decay.
Currently I accept galleries for cooperation. Contact: info(@)worsseling.nl (without brackets)
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my work.
Or connect with Facebook and like my page.
For the use of my photographs for various media (magazines, internet or for commercial purposes) please contact me.
There is copyright on all my photos. The price in the gallery will be charged if my photos are used without permission.